Non-existent, not used project reference causes error in WinForms VS designer

Today I was struck by another „self-explanatory” 😛 Visual Studio exception: The path is not of a legal form. Hide at System.IO.Path.NormalizePathFast(String path, Boolean fullCheck) at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path) at System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(String assemblyFile) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSTypeResolutionService.AddProjectDependencies(Project project) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSTypeResolutionService.AssemblyEntry.get_Assembly() at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSTypeResolutionService.AssemblyEntry.Search(String fullName, String typeName, Boolean ignoreTypeCase, Assembly& assembly, tring description) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSTypeResolutionService.SearchProjectEntries(AssemblyName assemblyName, …

Replace default IPrincipal object in ASNET

There is an easy way to override or provide IPrincipal object exposed by the System.Web.UI.Page.User property. Implement OnAuthenticate handler in the Global.asax public void WindowsAuthentication_OnAuthenticate(Object Source, WindowsAuthenticationEventArgs e) { e.User = new GenericPrincipal(e.Identity, new string[] {„Role1”, „Role2”, „Role3”}); } This way you do not have to implement RoleProvider class, just …

Value Exception info as it was Gold

Everybody who is programming professionally knows that Exceptions carry information that can save you a lot of trouble, beginners and lamers ignore that simple fact. Counter productive exception hiding or re-throwing original exception while clearing the stack is very, very frustrating.

Logging into a W2K3 domain taking forever?

… and the one thing you did is install latest security updates for Windows 2003 Server? WTF?! Someone did forget to mention you that one of the tcp ports used while Active Directory user is logging in have changed from 1025 to 1026 🙁 . Hey MS people! There should …

Co robi informatyk? Siedzi i czeka.

Załóżmy że praca twoich pracowników pasuje do poniższej definicji informatyka: <0utsideR> pracuje tam jako informatyk <Tomek> czyli dokladnie co robisz? <0utsideR> glownie to patrze na pasek postępu… Czy nie warto wywalić więcej kasy na lepszy sprzęt tylko po to by skrócić czas bezczynności pracowników? Pomyślcie ile kosztuje godzina pracy waszego …

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