Phone emulator screen shot
If print screen is not working with phone emulator window focused… Focus another non-maximised window (with phone emulator windows visible) then take the screen shot. Another day another lame 😉 workaround.
If print screen is not working with phone emulator window focused… Focus another non-maximised window (with phone emulator windows visible) then take the screen shot. Another day another lame 😉 workaround.
A while ago I had a problem with Windows Mobile phone emulator. My mobile .NET application could not connect to the network, the network card was enabled i had a good IP assigned and still nothing would go out. The workaround I is some kind lame, but it helped me …
I had a strange problem with my mobile application when we turned on Basic authentication on the http server. W32 version seems to work OK, but the same code ran Windows Mobile 5 with .NET CF throws: WebException with Status=ServerProtocolViolation. Normally when a http server needs authorization, it responds with …