Desing Patterns
From time to time I stumble on Matrin Fowler’s bliki, today I have stumbled upon design Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture catalog.
From time to time I stumble on Matrin Fowler’s bliki, today I have stumbled upon design Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture catalog.
I’m always looking for tools & examples when doing something new, today I accidentally came across Chris’s Free Developer Tools page on It looked familiar although I don’t remember actually using or checking it’s contents, I’m sure I’ve been there before. There is so much stuff to check out …
As of today my Pandora stations stopped working because of licensing constrains.
I’m not a fan of a singleton based solutions. I have always a feeling that they are bad design and I always ask a question: Is it needed? Anyway there are perfectly reasonable arguments to implement them in some scenarios. My singleton implementations varied over time and requirements, but I …
The easies way to know your group membership details, SID values, etc. A developer must have WhoAmI. Update 2007-06-05. You can probe for WhoAmI information by WMI (see WMI Code Creator). If you’re looking just for SID numbers of a particular group’s, here an example script: strComputer = „.” Set …
I had i few moments in my life when I tried to work on windows with „Normal” user privileges, they always failed when I had switch accounts, then when runas was just not helping. I gave up some while ago. Just by coincidence I have found a sudowin tool that …
Co jakiś czas potykam się w swojej pracy o AD. Muszę czegoś poszukać, coś odczytać lub zapisać/zmienić. Wszytko się sprowadza do pisania zapytać LDAP, no i czasem się okazuje że można wydajniej. Nie jestem ekspertem od AD i wydajnością swoich zapytań interesuje się z potrzeby chwili (średnio raz do roku …
Lokesh Dhakar have written a nice piece of JS to show images in AJAX way.
Forgot that connection string? You will find it right there!
Ever wonder if a TCP port number your are thinking of is by standard taken by some service?