Running command in command line with admin privileges.

If you don’t want to turn UAC off, don’t want to jump through hoops when running a command with administrator privileges, and non of this right-click-run-as-administrator or create-a-shortcut-ran-as-administrator nonsense, you’re in a bit of trouble. As far as I know MS didn’t provide any means to run a command with administrative privileges from …

Enumerate ActiveDirectory Group Members

This simple VBS script binds to a AD group and enumerates it’s members: Option Explicit Dim strMember, strDNSDomain, strContainer Dim objGroup, objRootDSE Dim arrMemberOf, strList, arrGroup ’ Bind to Active Directory’ Set objRootDSE = GetObject(„LDAP://RootDSE”) strDNSDomain = objRootDSE.Get(„DefaultNamingContext”) ’ Bind to a group Object ’ — By ldap path 'strContainer …


The TcpTrace by Simon Fell, is one of those tools I can’t live without. It’s a proxy for TCP connections that shows actual content of messages exchanged between hosts. It always come handy when you need to see an actual Web Service call content or just check those HTTP headers …

WebSevice call from vbs script

There are times when you have to integrate with a system. You do everything as documentation said you should, you run your integration test and… fail, …miserably, …with non-informative exception and no clue whatsoever. You tell the „other guys” that either their system does not work as expected or the …

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