Automatically generate type annotations

To generate annotations with MonkeyType and PyAnnotate for eg. for module paper_clip — replace paper_clip with your module: Find out what type are used Use test run to find out what types are actually used Fill out missing annotations with Any Supplement all the missing types with Any. Using Any is not preferable and should not be your …

Quick guide to Big Picture Event Storming

Big Picture Event Storming is a Domain Driven Development practice that can help us to better understand our domain, align developers and domain experts and then use this knowledge to prepare better designs. During the session I like to collect Events, both: Domain Events — something happened that domain experts …

Use gherkin explicitly define requirements and test cases

Gherkin is great tool to define requirements it forces the requester to explicitly state the expectations and acceptance criteria. It also provides a way to make clear how many test cases there is. If you define requirements in plain English then there is a lot of things left for interpretation …

Blameless culture – Postmortem guide

Incidents are unplanned investmentsJohn Allspaw Postmortems are opportunities for ROI, where we already paid the price, let’s get something from the fire fighting stress that we already have had put into it. Avoid Blame and Keep It Constructive Blamelessness is not the same as psychological safety Blameless postmortems are a …

Ignore one folder locally without changing project’s or global .gitignore

I like to keep scrapbook code snippets in the project folder structure, they are connected to the project and keeping them in the home documents or somewhere else would require me to include this folder in the IDE project files. These scrapbook code snippets are for me alone, no need …

ORDER BY po polsku w Django i PostgreSQL na Dokku

Jeśli zakładamy polską bazę danych na PostgreSQL to warto na początku ustawić jej właściwy COLLATE, jednak jeśli mamy już bazę i nie chcemy jej zmieniać to możemy zaktualizować COLLATE tylko na jednej kolumnie, wcześniej jednak musimy generować locale w kontenerze i collate na bazie. Zacznijmy od kontenera bazy danych: Teraz …

Smoke test Django Admin views

Having tests is awesome, having to maintain an extensive test suite is painful, so every once in a while I try to ease that pain with normalization, standardization and automation — even in test generation. I love @pytest.mark.parametrize for the possibilities it gives me in that area. Testing Admin Views …

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