View full message source in Outlook
Set this registry key, to view full message source in options/headers. [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice11.0OutlookOptionsMail] „SaveAllMIMENotJustHeaders”=dword:00000001
Set this registry key, to view full message source in options/headers. [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice11.0OutlookOptionsMail] „SaveAllMIMENotJustHeaders”=dword:00000001
I have been a happy user of a9 service. I thought that keeping my book marks on the Internet is a very useful thing. I could keep a one set of bookmarks whenever computer I have used (work, home, friend’s), and I did use Google search ;). When A9 switched …
Niektórzy (np. ja) byliby skłonni zapłacić na odcinek 2$ w sklepie iTunes. Niestety sklep jeszcze w Polsce nie działa z powodu polskich koncernów fonograficznych i zrzeszeń artystów, które nie mogłyby odcinać kuponów odpowiedniej wielkości. Jeśli ktoś ma kartę kredytową z adresem np. w USA lub UK, to może sklep oszukać …
I have recently deployed a domain controller (Active Directory) in a small office. I have suspected that Firewall configuration/exceptions will be updated auto-magically… I should just work, it nothing hard to automate… but no. Anyway , instructions said go there for firewall configuration instructions, so I have went and I …
Nie lubię dyskutować nad wyższością Javy czy .NET, bo to za bardzo nie ma sensu. Nie opowiadam się też po żadnej ze stron, korzystałem z obu technologii, obie polubiłem i do obu mam zastrzeżenia. To tyle tytułem zapobiegawczego wyjaśnienia przed tym jakże trafnym podsumowaniem dla pewnego argumentu za…
I use abuse@[…] emails to report spam emails, at least some random ones. I won with a spammer at least one with help of abuse@yahoo and Lately while checking who-is information on some IP i found that there is „abuse-mailbox” property. I thought there should be an application that …
I did not like any of WordPress themes I could find, so I began modifying default one. I liked the looks but „centered with margins” structure does not feel right for me. Site now runs on my modified theme, it’s still a little buggy and does not show well on …
I’m new in blogging world. I though one day „why not?” and since then I am tyring to configure a decent blogging engine on my website. I am struggling with templates and CSS so the site will look cool and professional, will be readable and have ability to show C# …
I had a strange problem with my mobile application when we turned on Basic authentication on the http server. W32 version seems to work OK, but the same code ran Windows Mobile 5 with .NET CF throws: WebException with Status=ServerProtocolViolation. Normally when a http server needs authorization, it responds with …
If you ever need to write something to a stream without preamble for eg. „” in UTF8 encoding, try to use: UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true); instead of default: UTF8Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;