Za co wynagradzać/premiować testerów?

Wczoraj byłem na cyklicznym spotkaniu Stowarzyszenia Jakości Systemów Informatycznych (SJSI) dotyczącym zasad wynagradzania testerów, spotkanie prowadził Jan Sabak. Spotkanie miało charakter dyskusji, wymiany doświadczeń i pomysłów. Przedstawiono kilka różnych podejść do tematu, niestety każde z nich miało takie czy inne wady. Wniosek był taki że do pytania „za co?” trzeba …

How to format each GridView row based on data-item

Every now and then, someone requests that a html table with should somehow be customised based on data shown, for eg. each row should have different background color for each „Status” column in data-item. In my knowledge there is no easy way of doing it declarative in ASP.NET using standard …

WatiN cannot start IE

Today my new, Administrator right’s free, ccnet installation gave me „the finger” while trying to run WatiN test fixtures.: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005. at WatiN.Core.IE.CreateNewIEAndGoToUri(Uri uri, LogonDialogHandler logonDialogHandler, Boolean createInNewProcess) at WatiN.Core.IE..ctor() As it turns out silmple …

Manual NCover setup

Recently I’ve been migrating a ccnet environment, including the NCover installation. I’m lazy so i just copied files hoping that if paths are the same/correct then everything will work auto-magically. It did not, NCover need a small configuration to be put in windows registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWow6432NodeCLSID{6287B5F9-08A1-45E7-9498-B5B2E7B02995}] …

How to minimize size of SqlServer database files

Sometimes my development databases use to much space that is not required. Most of my dev sqlserver databaeses are not used – kep for future reference only. Thre is way to keep their size to minimum: backup log MyDbName with truncate_only dbcc shrinkfile(MyDbName_log,2) Second sql statement uses database transaction log …


Co jakiś czas potykam się o coś podzczas definionwania styli CSS, oto strony na które zaglądam w pierwszej koljeności szukając rozwiązań: Zwykel tam znajduję rozwiązanie lub odnośnik do pomocnych innych stron na temat CSS.

Simple re-use of QueryString paremetr with BindableHyperLink

When you want to use a query parameter passed to your page you’ll need litle bit of extra coding. There are few ways to accomplish that but in simple cases I like to use data binding expression just inside NavigateUrl attribute on Hyperlik’s and friends: <wc:BindableHyperLink ID=”newItem” runat=”server” Text=”Add” NavigateUrl='<%# …

Reinstall ASP.NET 2.0

When your IIS is installed after the .NET 2.0 SDK was installed, you have to prep the IIS server configuration manually or reinstall .NET SDK. To manually configura IIS use ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) , Running: aspnet_regiis -i, does the trick when you get [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set …

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